“I try to show flaws because flaws are human.” Tom Sachs, press release 2008, concerning the Miffy Fountain.
Henriette Priester is helping me learn Dutch during my stay in the Netherlands. Not such a big deal, one would think. I figured that with the right motivation and a little time I could learn just about any language. French in a weekend? C’est moi, mon cher. German before noon? Hah! Before you can say Ich bin ein Berliner. Learn Dutch over a couple of months? Please. I go Dutch all the time.
Henriette is the wife of a husband/wife team that runs the gym, Absolutely Fit, in The Hague. She is a mother to many of us in the gym, she has her own adult children, and now has three grandchildren.
Henriette knows how to teach. She began my informal Dutch lessons by only speaking Dutch to me.
“Hoe gaat het?” Henriette says very slowly with a lot of hand gestures.
Cleverly, and after much thought, I respond:
“What?” — which I say way too loudly because I’m an American.
Sure, I have had my struggles. Last week, when I was in the checkout line at Albert Heijn, the Dutch Hy Vee, there were about 30 Dutch folks behind me, harried and rushing to get home for dinner. A check-out clerk about three cash registers over began yelling at me. At least I thought she was yelling at me because she and everyone else waiting in line were looking directly at me while she was talking.
I couldn’t understand a word.
So, I defaulted to smiling. Very broadly.
Several people immediately backed away.
But one kind Dutch woman leaned over and said in English: “She is wondering if you would like to go over to her line and check out.”
Hah! I hurried over to her line and began to unload my groceries.
The check-out woman nodded at me and said something more in Dutch. Nope, zero understanding. She tried again. Not helpful. Mercifully, she indicated where my debit card should go. I put my tram card in the slot. Oops. Okay, here’s the debit card. She then ended with a final flurry of words.
Is she speaking Swahili?
Thirty tired shoppers watched this transaction with fascination. As did I, because I was apparently having an out-of-body experience somewhere in Australia.
Finally, red-faced and embarrassed, I quickly packed up my groceries and raced for the exit.
“Meneer, meneer,” the cashier said loudly, and pointed to my toilet paper left at the cash register. Everyone looked at the toilet paper and then at me.
Whose toilet paper is that? I wondered aloud.
Not one of my best moments.
I grabbed my toilet paper and fled the store.
As you can see, Dutch lessons were going quite well when Henriette introduced me to books that have been used for over sixty years to teach Dutch kids to read — Dick Bruna’s “Nijntje,” which I promptly translated incorrectly as “Fluffy.” “Fluffy goes to the sea.” “Fluffy flies.” “Fluffy goes on a walk.” These books are not only great for Dutch lessons, but are made out of such heavy paper that you can gnaw on the edges if you’re still teething or, as I discovered, if you are slightly anxious.
“I used the Nijntje books for my children and the children of my children,” Henriette says.
If children learn Dutch from these books, why can’t I?
So Henriette sent me home with half a dozen Nijntje books. And I tried to read them.
Mmm . . . harder than they look. I turn the page. Yup, there’s Nijntje doing something. Is that Nijntje on a boat or is she bathing? Okay, I think Nijntje is going on a walk. With a large cheese? Lord help me, for a rabbit without a nose Nijntje seems to have quite the vocabulary.
And it only gets worse.
I pick up book after book after book. A total disaster. I can’t translate one word.
I hate Nijntje.
And then I read about the new art sculpture back home in Des Moines, Iowa. The Miffy Fountain. A wonderful sculpture by Tom Sachs that is located in Des Moines Western Gateway Park. The Greater Des Moines Public Art Foundations wrote about the Miffy Fountain with understandable pride:
“Miffy is a character recognized globally as a symbol of childhood. . . The American artist Tom Sachs uses the image of the little bunny to comment on the commercialization of every human experience, no matter how innocent or traumatic, to sell these products.”
The little bunny? Oh my lord, Miffy is Nijntje, which I incorrectly translated as Fluffy. Tom Sachs made a sculpture from Dick Bruna’s Nijntje. My worst nightmare — Nijntje has come to Des Moines. I can never return home!
So I asked my son, Emmett, to scout out the new Miffy Fountain for me in Des Moines.
“Dad, I can’t see a thing. She’s coated in plastic. I think for the winter.”
Hah, I knew it. Miffy is trying to go undercover. Why? Well that’s a no-brainer. She can’t speak English. She’s Dutch. I’d like to see how she fares at Hy Vee.
Don’t worry, folks, I have a solution for all of us.
And it’s not learning a new language. Too hard. Instead, we just need Dutch letters. No, not letters in Dutch, but “Dutch letters” — the almond-paste pastry. The next time you walk past the Miffy Fountain, or, for that matter, walk past me, offer us a Dutch letter.
Duh. Pastry is the world’s language. Natuurlijk.
You make me laugh!! They say (they being my friends who are French, Dutch, Belgian, British, etc) that Dutch is so hard that no one tries to learn it…not even the Dutch! Most of them speak English. Ha…so good luck. But Dutch letters are the best!
Sadly, I am not surprised by anything in your latest blog. Something about old dogs and new tricks.
Thanks so much for a wonderful laugh!! Much needed here!!
So are Dutch Letters!!
Thanks for the great laugh!! Much needed here!!
A few Dutch Letters would help, too!
Love the grocery store story. Hilarious! My husband’s grandmother came here from Holland and I agree with Evelyn….no one ever tried to learn to speak back to her in Dutch
Wat geweldig om voor heel even een bekende Nederlander in Des Moines te zijn.
De stad die boven aan de bucketlist staat van Rik en mij.
Als eerste maken we een foto van ons en lieve Nijntje bij de fontein voor de kleinkinderen.
Dan gaan we het Capitol building bezoeken en natuurlijk naar Blank Park Zoo .
Om af te sluiten gaan we naar Downtown Farmers market waar we vast wel een lekker hapje en wijntje kunnen kopen.
Dankjewel Joe ( for translation ask Joe )
“How wonderful to be a well-known Dutchman in Des Moines for a while.
The city that is at the top of the bucket list of Rik and me.
First we take a picture of us and dear Miffy at the fountain for the grandchildren.
Then we visit the Capitol building and of course to Blank Park Zoo.
To finish, we go to Downtown Farmers market where we can definitely buy a nice bite and wine.
Thanks Joe (for translation ask Joe)”
Thank goodness for Google Translate! Joe
Best line: Several people immediately backed away.
I’m reminded of David Sedaris’ book “Me Talk Pretty One Day.” I’m sure you’re making great progress!